Szerző: admin | 2024.09.29. | Hírek
October 2-3, 2018, Kosice, Slovakia The Carpathian Civil Society Platform – Inter-regional Conference was held in Eger, Hungary, from 29 February to 1 March 2024, organised by the Carpathian Foundation. The event brought together leading NGOs from the region, as...
Szerző: admin | 2024.09.19. | Hírek
We are excited to announce- in the From Alps to the Carpathians project- a significant step forward in our mission to strengthen civil society across the Carpathian region: the development of a Virtual HUB, dedicated to supporting NGOs and civil society organizations....
Szerző: admin | 2024.09.06. | Hírek
October 2-3, 2018, Kosice, Slovakia The meeting was attended by 57 representatives of 40 NGOs from Poland, Hungary, From Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine. The meeting was called the Civil Platform of the Carpathian Region organized by the four partner organizations of...